Announcing Leading the Journey of Weaving and Connection: A Conference for Leaders in Early Childhood

Training Services

We love visiting services and working with a whole team on a range of topics. We will work with you, either face-to-face or online, to explore a range of practical strategies and consider important developmental theory and research that shapes the way in which we support children.

In-House On-Demand Live Events Packages
Contact us for a FREE initial consultancy call.

We will provide you with recommendations, resources and support catered to your unique practice and challenges!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're not sure what support you need, we recommend booking in a FREE 15 minute initial consultancy call. This allows you to unpack your challenges, concerns, or ideas with one of our experienced consultants, who can recommend best next steps.

Yes! We love coming to visit services. Depending on your location, there may be travel costs involved. We recommend booking a free initial consultancy call below to discuss your needs with our team. We can then put together a quote for you for onsite support.

We are in the process of setting up long term training and support packages and will be adding these to our site over the coming weeks and months.

"We’ve been very fortunate to have had the support of Tash and the Inspired EC team. Tash has provided us with continuing training, Educational Leader support, Management support and Assessment and Rating preparation. Her passion and enthusiasm are contagious, her knowledge is deep and wide-ranging and her genuine desire to make a difference is infused in everything she does. We’re grateful to have Tash’s help to guide us in continuously reflecting and improving our practice towards a more authentic experience for the children in our care. Working with Tash is undoubtedly the best investment we’ve made. Thank you Tash!"

Leichardt Little Stars

In-House Training

An in-house training session is a great way to get your whole team or organisation on the same page.

When you have selected a topic or topics that interest you and your team, click the 'Get a Quote Now' button or send us an email. Our training manager, Keilla, will review your email and arrange a detailed quote inclusive of travel (based out of Newcastle, NSW).

We will be in contact with you throughout this process to ensure that the session is customised to best suit the needs of your team or organisation.


What Topics are Available?

Select an area which you would like more professional development and browse the different ways which we can support your team. Still not finding what you are looking for? We are able to customise sessions on other topics and we will work with you to secure a date and time with one of our amazing trainers!

Slow down, take time to connect. A simple idea really, but in the busy-ness of our day-to-day work with children, it's not always so easy to execute. Yet, when we take the time to really get to know children, to build strong, authentic relationships with them - everything changes. Our days begin to feel "less busy" because we spend less time managing behaviour, or directing children - how great does that sound?

Connection Counts

In this session, we will share simple strategies for building and maintaining strong relationships with children, and learn about the benefits of doing so. We'll discuss the challenges that can arise too - such as the child that just doesn't seem to like you! This session will highlight the importance of connection and inspire you to take action.

Understanding Children's Behaviour

Building relationships with a child is vital to understand their intrinsic motivation and support their behaviour. In this two hour session,  we unpack the reasons behind the types of behaviours which show up in our services and the importance of looking beyond the behaviour and taking the time to build relationships, understand children, and reflect on our own attitudes, reactions, and responses. This session will give educators tools to better understand the children in their care and positive ways to manage difficult situations.

Understanding 'Challenging' Behaviours

Hitting, kicking, swearing, fighting, defiance, biting. These are some pretty "challenging behaviours" aren't they? But what if we said that these behaviours aren't about children being challenging, but rather about our feeling challenged? 

In this session, we unpack the reasons that these types of behaviours show up in our services and the importance of looking beyond the behaviour and taking the time to build relationships, understand children, and reflect on our own attitudes, reactions, and responses. We will explore a range of practical strategies and consider important developmental theory and research that shapes the way in which we support children.

Understanding Schema and Discovery Play

Babies and Toddlers learn through discovery. As they explore the world around them, they make connections and create understandings. Sometimes during this process they do things that drive us crazy (such as pulling all of the blocks off the shelf or tipping out baskets of toys or throwing things!). Chances are you have seen infants and toddlers engaging in repetitive (sometimes frustrating) behaviours - those things are all part of schema play.  By understanding and facilitating discovery play in meaningful and authentic ways, we provide children with the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge and make sense of the world.

Creating Yes Spaces

This course will support educators to understand the elements of both the physical environment and our own practice, that create places of YES for children. Gain practical ideas for the physical environment and learn about resources and environmental considerations that contribute to a "yes" space. Understand why a "yes" space is beneficial and learn how a "yes" space not only benefits children, but the adults in the space too. Reflect on the role of the "educator attitude" and learn about the characteristics required of adults in a "yes" space and what this means for us as educators.

Engaging Environments for Toddlers

The way in which toddlers play and explore their world is unique, and so, the environments in which they play should reflect that. Environments are more than physical aesthetics. While we of course want our spaces to be visually appealing, first and foremost they need to be responsive to the way in which children play. In this session, we will explore the specific role of schema in the play of toddlers, and discuss how our environment can be designed to facilitate this. Through practical, high quality examples, we will consider the impact of the physical environment on play and well-being, what makes an environment work - both indoors and outdoors, and reflect on changes we can make to facilitate this.

Environments - More than Just Aesthetics

When we think about our environments in early childhood, we often think about what they look like. But what if we thought more about play affordance than appearance? What if we took the time to think about the way that children play, and how they move and interact within spaces? This session explores the physical aesthetics of environments, and then go beyond that to encourage reflection on the way in which spaces are organised, utilised and maintained.

We all know that every age and stage is unique, but how often do we stop and really think about the different ways in which children play as infants or as toddlers or as preschoolers, or the way in which our physical environment can support the stages of development?

Ages and Stages: Understanding Development to provide Connected, Quality Practice

In this session we will discuss some of the key features of the various ages and stages in our early education and care settings. As attendees deepen their understanding of the play cycle, theories of development and the importance of play, they will also explore ways of connecting, observing, planning and sharing. We will also discuss the value in mixed age grouping and how to meet the needs of all children when ages are combined.

Or, if you are looking for specialised support around developing your understanding of different ages and stages, we can offer:

Brilliant Babies

During this two hour session, we will unpack theories and approaches specific to children aged birth to two years. As we explore the importance of heart centred practice and explorative play such as schema and heuristic play, attendees will deepen their knowledge and build confidence in providing meaningful programs and engaging environments for children, and advocating for play to families.

Terrific Toddlers

Working with toddlers can be tricky, but understanding their need for autonomy within their play and routines and building strong relationships can reduce the power struggles and increase the delight. As we explore the importance of understanding children’s personalities and the role of schema in play, attendees will grow their confidence and become powerful advocates for the magic and wonder that is toddlerhood.

Powerful Preschoolers

Preschoolers in our society are finding themselves under increasing pressure to read, write and become “school ready” in our early education and care settings. During this session, we debunk the myth that children need to engage in rote or “academic” learning in order to be ready for school, and instead focus on the value that play offers children. As we explore the play cycle and discuss ways in which our environments and interactions can support children to develop a lifelong love of learning and a strong sense of well-being, educators will deepen their knowledge and feel confident in the programs that they are providing and in their own practice and relationships.

Educators as Advocates

What if we told you that you have the power to change the life of a child? What if we told you that each and every day you can do something to make a difference in the world? Advocacy is a word that has a tendency to intimidate, but quite simply, advocacy is the act of speaking out or supporting a cause or concept. As educators, we are in a prime position to advocate for children and the issues that impact them, but we often don't know where to start.

In this session, we will explore the idea of advocacy, unpack examples of it, and look at simple strategies for embedding advocacy in your day-to-day practice, and life. We'll also discuss what it means to lead advocacy, and how to find what you even want to be an advocate for! 

Inspiring Educational Leaders

An inspirational session that explores the role and responsibilities of the Educational Leader.
The Introductory session explores the "what is it?" element of the educational leader role.
Participants will:

  • Learn about what the role entails.
  • Look at sample position descriptions and discuss how to put one in place in their service.
  • Learn about how to work with colleagues, with particular focus on personality types.
  • Learn strategies to implement the role in their service through the use of practical examples.
  • Discuss the importance of effective communication.

No Team Building Games Allowed

Teamwork is challenging. Almost every educator will have an experience or “horror story” to share about working as part of a team. It is inevitable that when you combine several people, each with different personality types and learning styles, difficulties and disagreements will arise. However, by learning how to effectively relate to the people in your team it is possible to overcome these challenges, embrace the differences and work within a shared philosophy toward common goals. We will share our previous experiences in Early Childhood settings and also the approach to teamwork that we have embraced at Inspired EC.

We will challenge you to better understand your teammates rather than becoming frustrated with them and will inspire you to speak up for yourself! We will encourage you to think differently about working as part of a team! We will DEFINITELY NOT have you playing “team building games!” (this is a bit of an in-joke which will make much more sense during the session!)

Team Reset

Teamwork is challenging. Almost every educator will have an experience or “horror story” to share about working as part of a team. It is inevitable that when you combine several people, each with different personality types and learning styles, difficulties and disagreements will arise. However, by learning how to effectively relate to the people in your team it is possible to overcome these challenges, embrace the differences and work within a shared philosophy toward common goals.

We will share our previous experiences in Early Childhood settings and also the approach to teamwork that we have embraced at Inspired EC. We will challenge you to better understand your teammates rather than becoming frustrated with them and will inspire you to speak up for yourself! We will encourage you to think differently about working as part of a team!

The Educational Leader Role in a Team Context

The role of the educational leader is vital in the culture of a service, and it isn't just the educational leader's responsibility. This session is designed for teams, supporting all team members to understand their role in relation to the educational leaders role. Often we hear of a lack of understanding about the EL role: Why are they checking my programming? What are they doing with their time 'off the floor'?

This session will shine a light on the importance of the role and support the team to develop a clear vision for how it will be implemented within their service in authentic, meaningful ways. Attendees will leave with practical strategies for effective communication and collaboration and perhaps a new found appreciation for the role.

Understanding Your Team

We are all different. We have had different life experiences that shape who we are. We have different preferences and different ways of learning and being in the world. These differences should be celebrated, but if we are not first able to identify these differences, the celebrating is challenging. In 2013 we were introduced to the concept of personality types as espoused by Florence Littauer. This changed the way we worked as a team. In this session, we want to share exactly how it changed! We will explore the four key personality types, look at the concept of introverts, extroverts and ambiverts and the impact that these differences can have on the way we work, both as individuals and as part of a team.

During the session, participants will complete a profile quiz to discover their personality type and be given actionable strategies for successful communication, connection and practice, based on their personality type. This is a brilliant session for learning more about yourself, your team and also - as an added bonus - how this understanding can support you to build more meaningful relationships with families in your service.

Documenting children's learning and experiences is a crucial element of early childhood education and care services. But how do we know what to document and in what way? Often we become so bogged down in the visual or display aspect to our documentation, that the reason for documenting in the first place is overshadowed.

Capture a Moment... Tell the Story!

During this session, we look at what the NQF actually says about documenting children's learning and explore the concept of a planning cycle. Through practical experiences, participants will learn skills for observing children at play and reflect on what we should be including in our observations and documentation. Taking time to consider the audience and purpose of your documentation will transform the way that you think about it!

Critical Reflection, Reflective Practice and Documentation

It is crucial, as professionals, that we are able to critically reflect, not only on our programs, but our practices, pedagogy and environments. This session will focus on the key elements of critical reflection and reflective practice, including:

  • Research and the National Quality Framework
  • Methods of engaging in reflective practice and evidencing our reflections
  • Overcoming challenges such as time and differences in educator philosophies

Effective Supervision

There's a saying about having or needing eyes in the back of your head. The implication being that to keep children 'safe' or 'out of mischief' we need to have our eyes on them at all times. While supervision is a must for early education and care services, it is crucial that we look beyond the ability to see everyone at the same time! Effective supervision ensures that children are not in danger while encouraging opportunities for risk taking, exploration and connection.

During the session, we will discuss regulatory requirements, what effective and ineffective supervision looks like, the impact of the physical environment and the importance of interaction and involvement. We will also troubleshoot the specific challenges of the service - supporting you to implement strategies that enhance supervision, while also respecting children's right to privacy and their right to engage in somewhat risky or challenging play. Attendees will leave feeling more confident in their role in keeping children safe in the service.

Dirt Between Their Toes: Planning, Observing and Documenting Outdoor Play with Infants

Being outdoors with infants should be idyllic. It should be a rich, engaging and sensorial experience. In this session, participants will deepen their understanding of the developmental benefits (including physical development, emotional wellbeing and sensory integration) for babies, of outdoor play in inspiring environments. We will explore the key elements to programming for babies, from planning to observing and documentation. This engaging session will empower educators to provide environments where infants thrive; to deepen their connection with the children in their care; and to find joy in the magical moments of outdoor play with infants.

Reflective Practice

Does your team find it difficult to reflect? So often we hear: 'I don't know what I am supposed to reflect on?' or 'how do we know if we are doing enough?' It is crucial, as professionals, that we are able to critically reflect, not only on our programs, but our practices, pedagogy and environments.
But, reflective practice is more than just asking and answering questions - it should be a practice that we engage in not because we have to, but because it enhances our thinking, and our ways of working with children.

Educators will leave this session with a deeper understanding of the value of reflective practice, and strategies to make it a daily part of their role. We will share practical tips for overcoming challenges such as time and differing educator philosophies. This session will focus on the key elements of critical reflection and reflective practice, including:

  • Research and the National Quality Framework
  • Methods of engaging in reflective practice and evidencing our reflections
  • Overcoming challenges such as time and differences in educator philosophies.

Seeing the Magic in the Moment: Programming for Babies

So often we hear educators say “programming for babies is really difficult”, but it doesn't need to be! This workshop will inspire educators to see the magic in the everyday moments in the lives of babies and to use these as the catalyst for quality environments and programs. When we have a deep understanding of the way in which babies develop and play, we strengthen our ability to program for them. During this session, educators will review key research related to infant development, will explore the ways in which infants make sense of the world and look at practical ways in which they can observe, document and plan within their infant spaces.

Talking and Thinking Floorbooks

 *Tash Treveton is a licensed trainer of Talking and Thinking Floorbooks.

This inspirational training course examines the place of consultation in the early years and how it can impact upon the planning process and educationalists’ practice. It is designed to look at the way we involve our children from birth planning their learning linked to the curriculum. The course will include the motivational strategies developed by Claire Warden, International Educational Consultant, to promote effective communication and the recording of this through a variety of holistic approaches including the use of Talking and Thinking Floorbooks™ which are being acknowledged as effective recording and evidencing tools for young children’s learning and experiences. At the completion of this training you will:

  • be aware of a range of child centered strategies to evidence and record the curriculum and regulations
  • be able to involve children from the age of birth to 12 in planning their learning linked to the curriculum
  • be able to encourage children to participate in the planning process, share their knowledge and communicate their ideas
  • have the knowledge to create a document to share family and community involvement
  • be able to create Individual Portfolios that accurately reflect the childs journey


Bringing STEM to Life

Tinkering with tools, watching the weather, block construction and sand play might all seem like pretty ordinary moments in the life of a child. Yet, in these ordinary moments, an abundance of discovery, learning and development takes place.

Using examples from quality services, this session will empower educators to identify STEM learning in play and to recognise that learning does not occur in isolation. The use of STEM intertwines the important concepts of science, technology, engineering and math. This session explores the origins and purpose of STEM and will support educators to discover authentic ways to embed STEM in their classrooms, programs and practice.

Learning through Play

Our Early Childhood community is becoming stronger and more passionate about advocating for children's rights to play based learning. As a profession we know that this is the best way for young children to learn and as professionals we need to be able to support other adults in a child's life to understand and respect play based learning as well.

This session will unpack the research and support for play based learning. It will empower Educators to see the learning happening in play while also exploring different ways to advocate for this essential opportunity for children through different forms of communication.

Loving loose parts

The opportunities that arise during loose parts play are endless. And yet, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to begin and there may be endless questions: Where do I source materials? How do I keep children safe? How do I explain to parents why children are playing with a bunch of ropes, tyres and wood? Where do I store it all?

This session answers all of those questions, and others you might not even know you have! Unpacking the history of Loose Parts Play (including the theory of loose parts and the concept of adventure playgrounds) and using practical examples, educators will build their confidence in introducing, supporting and extending this type of play within their setting.

Play Cycles

Have you ever really stopped and thought about play - about it's role in brain and body development, and the impact it can have on socio-emotional development and learning?

In this session, we investigate the play cycle, looking at frames, cues and responses. Participants will also explore play types, and discuss the impact that we as educators have on children as they learn through play, and reflect on the difference between play and a play-based program.

Provocations, Possibilities and Play

Perhaps you've heard the term provocation and wondered ""what's that all about?"" Essentially the idea of a provocation for children's play and learning, is that we, as educators, have the ability to provoke thinking, or a sense of curiosity and wonder, or creativity. In this session, we explore the concept of provocations and how we can utilise these in an intentional way within our programs and environments across the various ages and stages of development. We'll explore how a provocation isn't simply an object but can be a question, or idea, or moment.

This session will inspire you to create and be curious and to take that curiosity into your day-to-day practice with children. Quite a few year ago, inspired by the services in Reggio Emilia and the work of Lilian Katz and Sylvia Chard, many services were working within what was best described as "an emergent curriculum", one that was responsive to the interests of children and often let to detailed projects or explorations of these interests. While the terminology may have fallen a tad by the wayside, the concept of projects and long term exploration of interests are sill relevant in early childhood services.

Training Packages

The Grow Team Package

Do you find it challenging to coordinate training for your team? Let us take the hard work out of it! With the Grow Team Package services can now inspire, motivate and educate their team throughout the year, without the stress of having to ask "have you finished that training yet?"

When all of your educators complete the same training, it makes it far easier to implement change and improve practice. By also having access to one of our implementation workbooks, we can support your educators to take what they learn in the courses and implement it effectively within the service.

Register your Team
The Debrief Package

In the past several years, so many educators from so many services have completed our Mini-Courses and webinars. Now, we want to offer a more in-depth experience for services. With our "Debrief Package", you can register each educator on your team for the same mini-course or recorded webinar, which they can complete in their own time, and then get together - virtually - for a debrief session with one of our experienced trainers!

Our trainers will facilitate reflective practice among your team, supporting educators to consider, and discuss the implications that the course may have for your service. This is a great way to get everyone on the same page and to develop a shared vision or direction for your team.

Register your Team

We love connecting with you! 

In addition to subscribing to our emails, you can also find us on Instagram and Facebook using the icons at the bottom of the page. We share lots of great content and insights in both of those places. 

If you need to get in touch, there are some other options too... 


You can give us a call from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 4pm AEST on (02) 49478112


You can flick us an email any time - we would love to hear from you! [email protected] 


Our beautiful home is at 157 Floraville Rd, Floraville NSW 2280.

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Inspired EC is committed to child safety, we want all children to be safe, happy and empowered.

Inspired EC would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work, live and play. We feel privileged to share this land and the knowledge that is held within it. We pay our respects to Aboriginal elders past, present and emerging. We commit to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities and to inspiring and supporting those in the early childhood profession to do the same. We hope that you also identify, connect and respect those who have looked after the land you are on for tens of thousands of years. We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.


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